In the vast and mysterious depths of the ocean, there lives a uniquely vibrant and cheerful sponge, a beacon of joy amidst the tranquil underwater world.


Token Supply will be



How to Join

Download MetaMask or Coinbase.
Add Base Chain (Ethereum L2) to your network list. (Click here for a step-by-step tutorial)

Buy ETH on an exchange (i.e. Binance, Coinbase etc.).
Withdraw the ETH tokens to your BASE wallet address using BASE Chain as network.
BASE addresses starts with a “0x”.

Go to Uniswap → Swap  and connect your wallet.
Use our contract address to select $SPONGE.
Set the slippage tolerance and swap ETH for $SPONGE.

To see your $SPONGE balance in your wallet app, import the token contract address. Congratulations, now join our Telegram and be a part of the community!

What are you waiting for? SPONGE is the new meta, let's go